domingo, 14 de junio de 2015



When we talk about ethical choices, we mainly tend to deliberate this idea with the moral actions among a society and its standards for right and wrong. The difference between ethic and morality is that ethical decisions are those referring to behaviour among a society. If someone shifts from one society to another, the ethnical idea of “acceptable” may change. Moral, are the personal standards. They would not change because a person moves to another part of the world. Societies are tending to be in a daily challenge of the moral and ethical choices. An example?
Ambulances are one of the most transited cars among the areas, likewise, the ones that must decide if what they are about to do is valuable, or not. EMSs are on display when they have to settle upon crossing the red light while they are on their way to hospital. As we may know, there are rules among a community, to settle a social order on the streets. When there are red lights, cars are supposed to wait for the green light to turn. But the medical cars, which carry inside damaged people, must rush to get to destination, in order to help the wounded person. This stereotype shows that humans are always on the battlefield. Not crossing the red light might be the ethical decision, but letting the person inside the car wait more time to be hospitalized, might be an unmoral choice. So, which light would you chose?
On the one hand, driving through the red light among any society is considered as unethical. You are breaking a law. Moreover, you can cause any type of accident. The ambulances are usually moving at a great speed. While they are crossing the red light, they could crush another car that was crossing on green light, doing what he was supposed to do.         Therefore, the ambulance driver is not only breaking the law, which is an unethical action, but is also causing another accident, hurting someone else, considered to be an unmoral action.
On the other hand, crossing in green light, is the acceptable thing to do. But as people know, hospitals are people´s support. Humans rely all their trust and faith to the doctors, as well as the EMSs drivers. They must manage to get to the hospital, and save the marred person. The solution to this is the sirens, which is heard from a large reasonable distance and expands a green and annoying light, making people know that they must open path so as the ambulance to go through. If people hear and see the light, they open a path, step aside, or stop so as to let the ambulance drive through all the cars and the red light to save a person’s life. If everyone achieves this, the ambulance gets to destination without any trouble, and committing the moral and ethical choice.
On balance, what we must learn is to be honest, to be aware, to let the ambulance cross the red light, because its carrying a purpose. Letting someone die, hurt another one, is not moral. Crossing the red light is unethical, but respecting the societies laws and accommodations is ethical. There will always be bigger problems than the ones we have, everyone must be aware of that, and accept it. Ethical is respecting others, morality is respecting oneself.

Candela Pedace

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


Si hablamos de creencias religiosas, es normal pensar que cada persona, aunque en sociedad, sostiene su propia religión. En cierto punto, al ser muchas las religiones, estas pueden afectar a la comprensión de áreas del conocimiento de la mayoría de las personas. Cambia y produce confusión, en todos los sentidos, como en la historia, la ética, la ciencia, el arte, entre otras.
En la historia, porque hay diferentes formas de explicar "el origen": el Big Bang, la evolución de las especies, Dios con Adán y Eva y el comienzo de la vida "de la nada". Por otra parte, en la ética, porque hay muchas personas que piensan que algo es correcto por su creencia, y otras que no. Como por ejemplo, la vestimenta de los judíos, como algo sagrado y ortodoxo, cuando en los cristianos, la ropa común abunda. También, los que hablan de la historia, como algunos creen en la evolución, (científicamente respalda), y otros que creen y sostienen la creación divina.
Por otro lado, en el rubro del arte, muchas personas dibujaron a Dios antiguamente e impusieron sus ideas. Muchos artistas se burlaron del científico Darwin, pintándolo como un simio, por la tontera de pensar en la idea de la evolución.
Apartándome del tema de los cambios, y como todos tienen sus propias creencias, por mi parte, no creo en Dios. No creo en una figura divina que creó todo de un simple chasquido de dedos. Y si lo hiciera, mis preguntas y dudas serian muchas, por ende no podría sostenerme o creer en algo que me produce más dudas que todo lo que me rodea diariamente. Creo profundamente en los hechos. En el destino, en la buena suerte y en la mala suerte, en el transcurso de la vida finita, en los actos de bondad y en la locura de la gente. Creo en el universo, que nos dio la vida. En la evolución, creo en la ciencia. Si me viese expuesta a creer en la existencia de dios, sería a través de una aparición, o de presenciar su ayuda cuando los mas necesitados, la buscan.